Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One of Those Moments

Do you ever have one of those moments where you realize you're thinking about your past so much and how it will affect your future, that you're missing all the absolutely BEAUTIFUL things that life is throwing at you right this minute?

I just did. Here's to living every minute of every day with enthusiasm.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Things I have Learned While Living in Missouri, Part 1

-Sometimes it will snow in March.

-A good pair of rubber boots are a great investment.

-I can tease my hair...and hey, it doesn't actually look bad!

-I'll only worry about calories in times of desperation. Usually eating whatever at the dining hall is edible is good enough.

-One of the most valuable lessons you learn in college is where your blackout point is.

-Sperry's are awesome shoes. They go with everything.

-Having a bottle of red wine in the fridge is always a good idea.

-2 a.m. Subway runs are nothing to be ashamed of.

-Everyone needs a favorite college girl blog. Unless of course you are not a college girl. That's just creepy.

-You don't need to go gaga every time you see a dog...but it's okay if you do. Just don't freak out it's owners.